Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cute Myspace Relationship Counters

A tutti i visitatori auguro un buon anno nuovo ...

Humming all .. the months of the year ... there augurooooo annooooooooooooo ... good!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

How To Make A Giant Foam Hat

io e il mio spazio con i miei clienti

I started working with the method since the first week of school, I've learned how to make a first analysis of the feet and work on them, handling.

Already d 'then I started with the first customers and being good, already past 8 years, are still under my care and my sessions.

Usually I are curious, who in turn are already come and passed the word describing them in an extraordinary way, to my best ability 'in' now identify the various problems with both physical and emotional.

What is:

The first session is usually the basis for all. We observe the customer and you do a complete analysis at his feet where you may see signs or stress-related body and the 'emotions of the subject.

After you decide what the customer wants to tackle first, to make sure that after a session can already feel better immediately, and from there it goes to massage the area with various techniques and lessons;

such as: learning to breathe in his body.

The first session as mentioned above in addition to being the more important, because the base, can last more other (analysis of past and current state of the person + massage) about an hour and a half.

Subsequent sessions last about an hour.

I get most evenings by appointment at Balerna , and in cases where the person is unable to reach me, I reach it I was at his home team (to the extent possible).

I can reach me at my e mail:

How Does Proline For Football Work


Slogan On Healthy Eating

Metodo Grinberg

Grinberg Method

The Grinberg method is a manipulative therapy that takes into account Correlation between body, mind and emotions. The method involves an initial diagnostic phase, based on the foot, which identifies any physical dysfunction and emotional blocks related to them. The next phase is based on touch and manipulation of the areas blocked by the therapist and the recognition by the patient's physical reactions that occur in particolari situazioni. Questa consapevolezza associata a un programma di esercizi specifici e personalizzati, permette di controllare e arrestare le reazioni dell'organismo che non si rivelano funzionali al benessere della persona.

Perché praticarlo

Partendo dal corpo, gli esercizi del metodo Grinberg agiscono anche sulle emozioni e sulla mente e portano alla consapevolezza gli atteggiamenti limitanti nei confronti della vita. Il metodo è quindi indicato a chi vuole risolvere problemi di mal di schiena, cefalee, reumatismi e allergie, liberandosi da atteggiamenti ripetitivi e abitudinari che limitano la libera espressione delle proprie potenzialità.

Le origini

Il metodo Grinberg è stato introdotto nel 1980 da Avi Grinberg che ha sintetizzato una vasta gamma di conoscenze e tecniche apprese in tutte le parti del mondo, tra cui Yoga, Tecnica Alexander, Metodo Feldenkries, Bioenergetica, Gestalt, Medicina Cinese, Tai Chi, Kong Fu, Chi Kong, R.D. Laing, Rolfing, Riflessologia, Meditazione Zen, Danze Sufi

per saperne di piu consultate

Friday, December 5, 2008

Infant Viral Infection Remidies

chi sono...

Ciao a tutti i visitatori del mio blog :)
Mi presento subito: mi chiamo Francesca , alias diecibacetti . Diecibacetti is my nickname which has always been closely linked me back to a person because there is not more , my mom. I was born in
Mendrisio, Canton Ticino, Switzerland September 17, 1971.
Kindergarten, elementary schools and middle schools I have attended in Chiasso, then I did the school for apprentices selling Morbio Lower achieving another year after graduation to clerk for sale.

Finished 's apprenticeship I immediately started working in the bank, that since 1990, but as often happens at all after ten years bank I decided to change some lives. I wanted something that would give me satisfaction personal. In fact I made the school the Grinberg method in Lausanne, after ten years of work in the bank.
Sure my job in a bank I always had, is what makes me pay the bills at the end of the month :-) and more ...
but I wanted 'to learn new things, new people, new experiences, so I started the school of method Grinberg in Lausanne!

I attended two years of school, earning his first degree, the second level did not I did it because I had an aversion to the teacher during that time.

I could not understand why a person as hard as she could teach such a thing that opened to much warmth, so that between us we created a wall around the 'school year and I spend too much time to make port at the end of the year to give' consideration.

I used to work in the study method of Griberg Morbio Less with other operators, then they moved to another center in Chiasso, bigger, and I am putting "self" by working at home.