Ripubblico un post sul prodotto vettoriale, visto che ora stiamo discutendo in quinta del campo magnetico.
A questo proposito ho ritrovato un disegno di Bruno Touschek- fisico austriaco che ha avuto una grande influenza sulla fisica italiana- che mostra due ricercatori intenti a discutere quale sia il verso the magnetic field.

today, introducing the moment of a force, I referred to the definition of vector product.
In one of the classes, the recourse to the rule the right hand is one thing seemed artificial.
In truth it is not possible to give a different method and elements to define the direction of the vector A ^ B. ( is a property connected with the chirality of the reference systems, an object is called chiral if it differs from its mirror image: the most common example is that of hands, one hand is not comparable to its image in the mirror, try!).
The two variants of the right-hand rule discussed in class are shown above.
To become familiar with the properties of the vector product, the following advice link dove ci sono dei filmati per le varie combinazioni possibili di vettori e un applicativo in Java:
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