I eating disorders (eg anorexia and bulimia) hydronium occur at various stages of childhood and adolescence, with difficulty 'to establish conduct regular power . the term "eating disorders" (DCA) has been coined to define the clinical conditions in which the discomfort is characterized by an abnormal relationship with food and with their bodies that could compromise the quality of life and social relations the person who is affected.
The eating disorders affect, in particular children and young people, with ever increasing frequency in both Western countries and around the world. Over the past twenty years, the spread of this disease has increased dramatically: if a few decades ago, the overall eating disorder cases in an entire school were rare, now you can find more cases in the same class . Moreover, if even a few years ago, eating disorders were typical of teenage girls in recent years we are confronted with the spread of these disorders in adolescent boys with a lowering of the average age of onset (6-8 years), and the promotion of cultural aspects that make mass gap across the board on many segments of the population, also involving the children.
The eating disorders affect, in particular children and young people, with ever increasing frequency in both Western countries and around the world. Over the past twenty years, the spread of this disease has increased dramatically: if a few decades ago, the overall eating disorder cases in an entire school were rare, now you can find more cases in the same class . Moreover, if even a few years ago, eating disorders were typical of teenage girls in recent years we are confronted with the spread of these disorders in adolescent boys with a lowering of the average age of onset (6-8 years), and the promotion of cultural aspects that make mass gap across the board on many segments of the population, also involving the children.
The family, being the primary nucleus development of the individual, has an important role in creating the environment in which the discomfort felt by the boy can be accepted, managed and addressed, but also the school has an important role, because it can observe the manifestations of distress and their evolution over time. What are the difficulties and fears of adults who are called to relate to these manifestations of discontent? How to help those who experience these eating disorders?
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