Sunday, November 15, 2009

Custom Bmx Bike Colors

intolleranze alimentari

allergy and food intolerance

1. Introduction
Most people can eat a wide variety of foods without any problems. For a small percentage of individuals, however, certain foods or food components may lead to negative reactions, a slight rash to a severe allergic response.

Negative reactions to foods can be caused by food allergy or food intolerance. Although about one in three people may wish to be "allergic" to certain foods, food allergy has a real effect of about 2% of the adult population. In children, the figure increases to 3-7%, although in most cases, the allergy is overcome with school children.

2. What is the difference between food allergies and intolerances?

The negative reaction to food is often mistakenly defined food allergy. In many cases it is caused by other causes such as microbial type of food poisoning, psychological aversion to food or intolerance to a particular ingredient in a food.

Food allergy is a specific form of intolerance to food or food component that activates the immune system. An allergen (a protein in the risk that in the majority of people are completely harmless) triggers a chain reaction of the immune system including the production of antibodies. These antibodies trigger the release of organic chemicals such as histamine, which cause various symptoms such as itching, runny nose, coughing or wheezing. Allergies to food or food components are often hereditary and is usually diagnosed early in life.

Food intolerance involves the metabolism but not the immune system. A typical example is lactose intolerance: people those affected have a deficiency of lactase, the digestive enzyme that breaks down milk sugar.

3. Food allergy
3.1. What happens in an allergic reaction?

Generally, the immune system protects the body from harmful foreign proteins trigger a reaction to eliminate them. Allergy is essentially "immune alteration," in which a normally harmless substance is "perceived" as a threat - an allergen - and attacked by the immune defenses. In a true allergic reaction, the body produces antibodies (proteins that bind specifically to other proteins called antigens - in questo caso allergeni - per disattivarle ed eliminarle dal corpo). La categoria di anticorpi che prende il nome di immunoglobuline E (IgE) reagisce con l’allergene scatenando un’ulteriore reazione con i mastociti (cellule dei tessuti) e i basofili (un tipo di cellula ematica). I mastociti si trovano sotto la superficie cutanea e nelle membrane che rivestono il naso, l’apparato respiratorio, gli occhi e l’intestino. Rilasciano una sostanza chiamata istamina o altre sostanze quali i leucotrieni e le prostaglandine che provocano reazioni allergiche come quelle indicate nella tabella riportata di seguito. Le reazioni negative sono immediate e di solito localizzate. Alcune reazioni allergiche impiegano varie ore o addirittura giorni a manifestarsi dopo l’esposizione ad una proteina estranea. In questo caso si parla di "reazioni di ipersensibilità ritardata".

Fortunatamente, la maggior parte delle risposte allergiche agli alimenti è relativamente lieve ma in un numero limitato di persone si verifica una reazione violenta che può essere letale e che prende il nome di anafilassi. A volte la reazione anafilattica può manifestarsi nel giro di qualche minuto dall’esposizione e richiede cure mediche immediate. Le arachidi sono molto note come causa di "shock anafilattico", una grave condizione in cui la pressione arteriosa precipita e il soggetto può morire di arresto cardiaco se non gli viene rapidamente somministrata adrenalina per aprire le vie respiratorie.

Runny nose or nasal congestion Sneezing

Asthma (difficulty breathing)

Cough Shortness of breath, wheezing

skin swelling of lips, mouth, tongue, face and / or throat (angioedema)

Urticaria rashes or redness

Eczema Itching

Gastrointestinal Abdominal cramps

Nausea Diarrhea Vomiting


Systemic Anaphylactic shock (severe general shock)

3.2. Who is at risk of allergy Food?

The presence of family cases is one of the factors that can predict problems of food allergy. In infants who have an allergic parent the risk of developing a food allergy is two times higher than babies whose parents do not have allergies. If both parents are allergic, the risk increases from four to six times. Based on the data collected, breastfeeding, compared with formula feeding, reduce the risk of food allergy. In babies with close relatives who suffer from allergies, exclusive breast-feeding for 4-6 months would be adequate to provide some protection.

3.3. What is the impact food allergies?

estimates the actual incidence of food allergies are far less than the perception of people. Although about one in three people believe they suffer, in fact, food allergies are poorly distributed. The true incidence is indicated by only a few studies, with confirmation of the allergic reaction through a double-blind clinical trial (eating food or a placebo, in a non-recognizable, without which neither the patient nor the doctor know the sequence of administration).

Based on these studies, it was estimated that food allergies occur in 1 to 2% of the adult population. The incidence is highest among young children, with estimates between 3 and 7%. Fortunately, 80-90% of these subjects exceeds the sensitivity reaches the age of three. While childhood allergies to egg and cow's milk may disappear, allergies to nuts, legumes, fish and shellfish tend to persist throughout life.

3.4. What foods are the most common cause of food allergies?

Although allergic reactions can occur with any food or food component, in some likely to cause allergies are higher. Among the most common food allergens are cow's milk, eggs, soy, wheat, shellfish, fruit, peanuts and tree nuts.

3.4.1. Allergy to cow's milk protein allergy

to cow's milk protein is found most commonly in infants and children, especially those with a family history of predisposition to allergies. It occurs in a number of infants between 0.5 and 4% but the incidence decreases with age. The most common symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea, although the range of negative responses vary from person to person. Fortunately, reactions to cow's milk proteins are generally short and the incidence in older children and adults is clearly lower.

The allergenicity of cow's milk can be reduced by some dairy processes. For example, the high temperature treatment that alters the structure of certain proteins in milk. For this reason, some individuals are sensitive to this food may tolerate products made of sterilized milk or evaporated milk but not pasteurized. There are also other processes, such as dairy processing enzyme proteins into peptides, which can reduce the potential allergenicity of whey proteins. In fermented products like yogurt, and cheese, milk proteins remain largely unchanged in structure and therefore their allergenicity. Having received

confirmation of the diagnosis of allergy to milk protein, it is important to follow a balanced diet and healthy, especially during growth and development of children. The dietary advice of a professional dietician are essential to ensure optimal intake of essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, D, B2 and B12. The consumption of sardines and salmon with bones (canned) and cooked green vegetables, such as broccoli, helps to provide the right amount of milk protein Has Been Confirmed, it is important to a healthy balanced diet ENSURE That is maintained, Especially During a child's growth and development. Dietary advice from a registered Dietician is essential to ENSURE optimal intakes of essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, D and B2 and B12. The consumption of sardines and salmon with bones (canned) and dark green cooked vegetables like broccoli, will help to maintain calcium intakes.

3.4.2. Allergia ai vari tipi di noci

L’allergia alle noci è una patologia di una certa gravità perché inizia in tenera età, dura per tutta la vita e può essere letale. Le arachidi, note anche come noccioline americane, e i vari tipi di noci che crescono su albero, come le noci stesse, le mandorle, le noci brasiliane e le nocciole possono provocare sintomi anche con un minimo contatto con la pelle o per inalazione. Nella sua forma più lieve, l’allergia alle noci può limitarsi a provocare sfoghi cutanei, nausea e mal di testa e a volte gonfiore della lingua e delle labbra, mentre nella sua forma più grave può provocare uno shock anafilattico. Per la potenziale gravità dei sintomi, chi soffre di allergia alle noci deve assolutamente evitare il contatto con questi cibi e portare sempre con sé l’adrenalina (per neutralizzare la violenta reazione allergica).

3.4.3. Altri comuni allergeni alimentari

Tra gli altri alimenti che presentano maggiori probabilità di essere associati alle reazioni allergiche vi sono frutta, legumi (compresi i germogli di soia), uova, crostacei (granchi, gamberi di fiume e di mare, aragoste), pesce, ortaggi, semi sesame, sunflower seeds, cotton seeds, poppy seeds and mustard seeds. The allergenic potential of some food allergens can be eliminated (though not always) by cooking or industrial processing, through which proteins are denatured. The newer techniques, such as high pressure treatment, fermentation and enzyme treatment, can help reduce the allergenicity of certain food proteins. In the case of oil, you can also remove allergens through refining. Part of the problem remained unresolved in the field of food allergies, both for industrial products than for those eaten outside the home, could be the presence of slight traces which may cause allergic reaction.

4. Food allergies

intolerance can cause allergy-like symptoms (including nausea, diarrhea and stomach cramps), but the reaction does not involve the same way the immune system. Food intolerance occurs when the body can not properly digest a food or food component. While those truly allergic should generally eliminate the offending food, the people who have an intolerance can often tolerate small amounts of food or component without developing symptoms. Exceptions are individuals who are sensitive to gluten and sulphite.

4.1. What are the most common causes of food intolerance?

The two most common causes of food intolerance are lactose and gluten.

4.1.1. Lactose intolerance

Lactose is the sugar found in milk. Normally, the enzyme called lactase, present in the small intestine, breaks down lactose into simpler sugars (glucose and galactose) and then enter the bloodstream. When the enzyme activity is reduced, lactose is not broken down and is transported in the large intestine where it is fermented by bacteria in the gut. This may cause symptoms such as flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Although most of the people of northern European strain produces a sufficient amount of lactase throughout life, between the non-white races and peoples of the Middle East, India and parts of Africa, including their descendants , lactase deficiency is a widespread phenomenon. In fact, approximately 70% of the adult population does not produce enough lactase and therefore has some degree of lactose intolerance. In Europe, the lactase deficiency occurs in about 5% of the white population, with marked variations from country to country, and in much higher proportion (50-80%) minorities ethnic groups.

The amount of milk and dairy products to give rise to symptoms of intolerance varies widely. Many people who have low intestinal lactase activity can drink a glass of milk without any problems. Similarly, the cheeses, which have a low-lactose, and fermented milk products like yogurt, are generally well tolerated. This may explain the large consumption of products made of cultured milk and yoghurt in the regions of the world where lactase deficiency is more widespread. In addition, the constant introduction of lactose-containing foods in meals induces a progressive adaptation and reducing the total amount of lattosio ingerita in un solo pasto può migliorare la tolleranza negli individui sensibili.

4.1.2. Intolleranza al glutine

L’intolleranza al glutine è una disfunzione intestinale che si manifesta quando il corpo non tollera il glutine (proteina presente nel grano, nella segale, nell’orzo e nell’avena, anche se quest’ultima è oggetto di controversie e di ricerche per stabilirne l’effettivo ruolo). La diffusione della malattia, comunemente chiamata celiachia o intolleranza al glutine, è sottostimata. Gli esami serologici rilevano questa malattia, che altrimenti non verrebbe diagnosticata, in 1 individuo su 100 della popolazione Europea (con differenze regionali).

La celiachia è una disfunzione permanente e può essere diagnosticata a qualsiasi età. Se la persona che ne è affetta consuma un alimento contenente glutine, le pareti di rivestimento dell’intestino tenue si danneggiano e subiscono una riduzione della capacità di assorbire nutrienti essenziali quali grassi, proteine, carboidrati, minerali e vitamine. I sintomi includono diarrea, debolezza dovuta a perdita di peso, irritabilità e crampi addominali. Nei bambini, possono manifestarsi sintomi di malnutrizione come, ad esempio, una crescita insufficiente. Attualmente, l’unico aiuto per i pazienti celiaci è una dieta priva di glutine. I centri di dietologia e le organizzazioni di informazione sulla celiachia make available lists of gluten-free foods. Excluding this substance from the diet, the intestine is repaired and the symptoms gradually disappear.

Research is ongoing to identify the exact nature and sequence of amino acids of gluten that trigger celiac disease and this knowledge may in future constitute the basis for the application of biotechnology to the development of cereal that do not lead to intolerance.

5. Food additives and negative reactions

If the majority of people on food additives are not a problem, some people who suffer from specific allergies may be sensitive to certain additives such as dyes and sulphites.

Since all food additives must be clearly indicated on the label, those who have a specific sensitivity or believe it can easily avoid any additive that constructs a potential problem.

6. How do you diagnose allergies and food intolerances?

A correct diagnosis of allergy and food intolerance can be done through scientific tests. If a person believes they suffer from allergic reactions to certain food substances, the first thing to do is consult with your doctor to verify that the symptoms are not caused by another illness and possibly be referred to a dietician or an allergist.

The first step of a reliable diagnosis is a detailed history of the patient and his family. You should pay special attention to the type and frequency of symptoms and at the precise moment they occur in relation to consumption of certain foods. The patient must also undergo a complete physical examination. Then, using the following methods of investigation.

6.1. Skin tests

On basis of the history dietetics, foods suspected of causing allergic reactions are included in the series used for skin tests. The value of this test is very controversial and the results can not be trusted one hundred per cento. I test consistono nell’inserimento sottocutaneo di estratti di un determinato alimento, mediante iniezione o sfregamento, per verificare l’eventuale comparsa di una reazione di prurito o di gonfiore.

6.2. Diete ad esclusione

Il principio della dieta ad esclusione si basa sull’eliminazione di un alimento o di una combinazione di alimenti sospetti per un periodo di circa 2 settimane prima di effettuare una prova di verifica. Se in questo periodo i sintomi scompaiono, i cibi sospetti vengono reintrodotti nella dieta, uno per volta, in quantità ridotte e aumentate gradualmente fino a raggiungere la dose normale. Una volta verificati tutti i cibi sospetti, è possibile evitare quelli che cause problems.

6.3. RAST test (radioallergosorbent)

In this type of test tube are mixed in a small blood samples of patients with extracts of foods. In a true allergy, blood produces antibodies to fight the foreign protein which can then be detected. The test can only be used as an indicator of an allergy but does not determine the extent of sensitivity to the offending food.

6.4. Test double-blind, placebo-controlled (DBPCF)

This allergy test, the suspected allergen (eg. Milk, fish, soy) is inserted into a capsule or hidden in food administered to the patient under close medical supervision. These tests allow allergists to identify the most common foods and food components that cause adverse effects.

Other types of tests for the diagnosis of allergy have not been scientifically endorsed and may not have any value.

7. What can you do to prevent allergies and food intolerance?

After a thorough examination to accurately identify the harmful foods or food components, the only way to prevent the allergic reaction in sensitive individuals is to eliminate these foods from the diet or environment or components. In the case of food intolerance, simply because they reduce the portions can be sufficient to prevent symptoms. The best method of defense is to read the information concerning the ingredients listed on product labels and know what are the foods that trigger allergies, or asthma.

The professional support of a dietician can not exclude any nutrients from the diet when you insert changes and food substitutes. When eating away from home, you need information on ingredients and cooking methods to avoid known food problems and explain the situation and the particular needs of your guest or caterer. If necessary, ask to speak to the chef or manager of the bar or restaurant.

If in doubt, better to be safe and stick to simple foods, such as grilled meats, or take food prepared at home. You should always provide an emergency plan and, in cases of severe food allergic reaction or through others, immediately contact a doctor or an ambulance.

8. What are the responsibilities of food manufacturers and retailers?

That allergy is now recognized as an important issue regarding food safety and the food industry must engage with the utmost care to help those who suffer from allergies to confidently choose an adequate diet. Producers must adottare la massima scrupolosità nella valutazione dell’uso, come ingredienti, dei più comuni allergeni che potrebbero dare gravi reazioni, avvisando della reale o potenziale presenza di tali allergeni nei prodotti e prevenendo la contaminazione crociata involontaria con allergeni presenti in altri prodotti industriali.

Quello delle allergie è attualmente riconosciuto come un problema importante in materia di sicurezza dei cibi e l’industria alimentare deve impegnarsi con la massima cura per aiutare coloro che soffrono di allergie a scegliere con fiducia una dieta adeguata. I produttori devono adottare la massima scrupolosità nella valutazione dell’uso, come ingredienti, dei più comuni allergeni che potrebbero dare severe reactions, warning of actual or potential presence of such allergens in products and preventing inadvertent cross-contamination with allergens present in other industrial products.

An answer to these problems is the adoption of Good Manufacturing Practices (or GMP, Good Manufacturing Practices English), including the adoption of systems of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP, Hazard English Analysis Critical Control Points), which involve close collaboration with suppliers of raw materials and other links in the food chain. The correct preparation of the recipes and controls ensure that the food contains only the ingredients specified label. Are also taken precautions to prevent cross-contamination during storage of raw materials, handling and processing of foods, especially when the same plants are used for different foods.

9. What are the developments in the labeling of potential allergens in foods?

The European Union is considering the proper way to describe the allergens on the label and at the same time, several national organizations have developed guidelines that encourage the spread of the Good Manufacturing Practices and consumer information.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, the European Commission and other international organizations are defining the scientific criteria for the selection of allergenic foods to be indicated on labels. The major allergens identified are: peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, soybeans, cow's milk, eggs, wheat and sesame (European Commission).

Although, according to European legislation, there are no specific provisions requiring the food to indicate the potential allergens on the label, the general rule requires that all ingredients added to food should be included in the list of ingredients stated on the product . Currently, there are some exceptions to this general rule:

ingredients falling nella "regola del 25%". È il caso degli ingredienti composti (un ingrediente noto con un nome comune ma composto da vari ingredienti), che costituiscono meno del 25% del prodotto finale;
gli ingredienti "trasferiti", quali alcuni additivi che non hanno alcuna funzione tecnologica nel prodotto finito, ma sono veicolati nell’alimento attraverso uno dei suoi ingredienti;
alcuni alimenti (per es. alcuni formaggi o la maggior parte delle bevande alcoliche).
Di loro iniziativa, alcuni produttori e commercianti dichiarano già nella lista degli ingredienti gli allergeni più rischiosi anche se presenti in piccolissime quantità. Sono inoltre riportate diciture del tipo “può contenere” su prodotti they may be accidentally present evidence of a potential allergen. However, in response to repeated requests from consumers for better information about the food they buy, the Commission issued a proposal to amend Directive 2000/13/EC on the labeling of foods. The proposal will abolish the "25% rule", which means that all ingredients intentionally added will have to be labeled. The proposal will impose the obligation to label the ingredients recognized by the scientific literature as responsible for allergies. The amendment aims to ensure better information on the composition of food in order to help consumers with allergies to identify ingredients that may be harmful in the product.

Some manufacturers and retailers make lists of products available to consumers free of specific allergens through flyers, Internet communications and information services and assistance.

André, F., André, C., Colin, L.; Cacaraci, F., Cavagna, S. (1994). Role of new allergens and of allergens Increased Consumption in the incidence of food sensitisations in France. Toxicology, 93:77-83.

Barrie, S. (1999). Food allergies. In Textbook of Natural Medicine. Edited by Pizzorno, Jr and JE Murray, MT Second edition. Churchill Livingstone, London, pp 453-460.

Blades, M. (1996). Food allergy and food intolerance. Food Science and Technology Today ,10(2):82-86.

British Nutrition Foundation (2000). Food allergy and intolerance briefing paper. BNF, High Holborn House, 52-54 High Hollborn, London WC1V 6RQ, pp 1-33.

Codex Alimentarius Commission (1998). Discussion paper on "Criteria for the selection of commonly allergic foods for labelling purposes". Docmument CX/FL 98/5-CRD, p16. 18th May.

Hefle, S. L. (1996). The chemistry and biology of food allergens. Food Technology, March, 86-92.

Henriksen, C., Eggesbo, M., Halvorsen. R., Botten, G. (2000). Nutrient intake among two-year-old children on cow's milk restricted diets. Acta Paediatrica, 89(3):272-278.

Hourihane J.O, Bedwani S. J, Dean T. P., Warner J. O. (1997). Randomised, double-blind, crossover challenge study of allergenicity of peanut oils in subjects allergic to peanuts. British Medical Journal, 314:1084-1088.

Institute of Food Science and Technology Position statement of food allergens. Food Science and Technology Today ,13(3):163-168.

Institute of Food Science and Technology, UK (1988). Food and Drink Good Manufacturing Practice. 4th edition, chapter 30.

International Life Sciences Institute (1994). Food allergy and other adverse reactions to food. Concise Monograph Series ILSI Europe, Avenue E. Mounier 83, Box 6, B-1200 Brussels, Belgium, pp 1-22.

International Life Science Institute ILSI Europe (1998). Scientific criteria and the selection of allergenic foods for product labelling - Allergy European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 47 (53)(Supplement):1-21.

Isolauri, E., Sutas, Y., Salo, M.K., Isosomppi, R., Kaila, M. (1998). Elimination diet in cow's milk allergy: risk for impaired growth in young children. Journal of Paediatrics, 132:1004-1009.

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Luyt, D. (2000). Nut allergy in children: investigation and management. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 93:283-288.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1994). Food allergy and other unpleasant reactions to food. Food Sense Guide from the Food Safety Directorate, pp 1-10.

National Dairy Council (1994). Adverse reactions to food. Topical Update 2, pp 1-12, National Dairy Council, 5-7 John Princes Street, London W1M 0AP.

Robinson, J. and Ferguson, A. (1992). Food sensitivity and the nervous system. Nutrition Research Reviews, 5:203-223.

Scientific Committee for Food (1996). Report of the SCF on adverse reactions to food and food ingredients. pp 1-39.

Warhurst, G. (2000). Do you go nuts about nuts? Food Science and Technology Today, 14(3):134-137.


recipe chapati, the flatbread "Indian"

500g of flour salt water

Preparation: on a pastry dough prepared with all the ingredients. Cut it into small balls. Pre-heat a plate of cooked very well. Roll out the dough until you get a thin layer and cook 2 / 3 minutes per side. Stuff like.

crepes recipe without cow's milk and gluten

1 egg
50 g. chestnut flour (be careful that it is fresh, given that over time tends to go rancid)
50 g. corn flour (starch corn)
15 cl. Goat milk (found in most supermarkets supplied fresh or long storage)
15 g. Preparation of fructose

Pour the ingredients in a bowl in the order of the list and mix to obtain a homogeneous batter.

Let stand an hour to cool.

Prepare the crepes and then follow the classic recipe. Farcitele at will, with Nutella, jam or fruit, or let them flambé.

The results if it is good, the goat's milk does not feel, while apprrezza the sweet taste of chestnuts. Obviously, these crepes are also good for those who have problems of intolerance, but love the new flavors.

Ricetta budino senza uova

1 litro di latte intero
100 g. di farina
100 g. di burro
100 g. di zucchero
1 bacca di vaniglia
per la variante al cioccolato: 100 g. di cacao in polvere
per la variante al caffè: 3 o 4 cucchiai colmi di caffè liofilizzato
Mettete la bacca di vaniglia nel latte e portatelo all’ebollizione, spegnete e lasciate intiepidire.

Mescolate assieme la farina e lo zucchero (ed il cacao o la polvere di caffè liofilizzato se fate le varianti).

Poco alla volta versate il latte, da cui avrete tolto la bacca di vaniglia, nel miscuglio di polvere e mescolando diluite il tutto per bene. Alla fine passate al colino per controllare che non vi siano rimasti dei grumi.

Versate il composto in una casseruola e fatelo cuocere a fuoco dolce sempre mescolando, fino a che non raggiunga l’ebollizione. Togliete dal fuoco, unite il burro a pezzetti e mescolate per farlo incorporare. Versate il composto in uno stampo inumidito con acqua, lasciatelo raffreddare, e poi mettetelo in frigo per almeno 3 ore.

Se sperimentate qualche altro modo di aromatizzare il budino senza uova, fatecelo sapere e lo aggiungeremo alla ricetta.

Potete usare questo budino quando è tiepido per farcire torte, crostate, crostatine e tartellette.

Ricetta amaretti senza farina di grano

900gr sweet almond
chopped 100g chopped bitter almonds

1kg of sugar 2 lemons (rind only)
egg whites (mino 6 / 7 + 2)
Preparation: In a bowl place all the ingredients with whites' egg whisk and let stand for about 3 hours. Elapsed time from mixing of small amounts withheld with wet hands from another egg white and roll into balls like meatballs. Arrange the balls on the baking paper covered by the oven, bake at 200 degrees and cook until the macaroons are golden brown and not easily peel off the paper

birthday recipes: chestnut cake, no eggs

kg. Chestnut
1 / 2 liter of milk 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

4 bay leaves 4 cloves

100 g. 200 grams of dark chocolate
icing sugar 20 g

butter 1 cup brandy or Cognac
like brown sugar and whipped cream Glace, candied violets and chocolates to decorate

Preparation Boil the chestnuts in lightly salted water along with the bay leaves and cloves for 40 minutes. Peel them and pass them to the mill.

Gather the chestnuts in a saucepan, add the milk, vanilla, grated chocolate, sugar and butter. Cook stirring for plan to dry the mixture. After about half an hour, add the brandy, stirring to incorporate well.

Distribute the mixture into a baking dish or a mold to form particular butter, or cover the inside of the pan with plastic wrap. Put the chestnut cake to cool in the refrigerator for at least 3 or 4 hours.

currently upside down on a serving platter, decorate with a lot of sweetened whipped cream, and taste with brown Glace, candied violets and chocolates. Make sure you provide the place for the candles.

Sponge unleavened

The real sponge cake made with eggs and flour sugar

Ingredients 6 eggs
180 g di farina
180 g di zucchero
1 pizzico di sale
Nella ciotola dell’impastatrice mettete le uova con lo zucchero e montate con la frusta per almeno 20 minuti fino a che diventa una crema chiarissima e densa, devo come si dice “scrivere” cioè se alzate la frusta e ne fate cadere un po’ sulle uova, questi devono rimanere un po’ prima di affondare 2: togliete la frusta e con una spatola aggiungete la farina pochissima alla volta facendola cadere a pioggia attraverso un setaccio, mescolando bene dal basso verso l'alto per non smontare le uova e molto ma molto delicatamente 3: Versate l'impasto nella teglia (22cm) imburrata e infarinata 4: mettete in forno gia caldo a 180°C per 30 minuti, trascorso il tempo spegnete e lasciate altri 5 minuti a forno spento e chiuso, quando lo sfornate noterete che si stacca da solo dalle pareti e che si e abbassata un po’, e normale. 5: Sformatelo e mettetelo a raffreddare su una gratella prima di usarlo

Torta di mele senza zucchero

250 grammi di farina
1 uovo intero
4 cucchiai (da minestra) di olio
1 KG di mele
2 bicchieri (di quelli da acqua) di latte
1 bustina di lievito

Svolgimento della ricetta:
Lavorare l'uovo poi aggiungere l'olio, aggiungere il latte e la farina un pò alla volta mescolando facendo attenzione ai granuli.Sbucciare le mele, tagliarle a pezzettini small and add to mixture.
Check the dough if it came too hard add more milk because it must be firm but not rubbery. Add the yeast. Pour into a prepared pan and how do you usually bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.


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