Friday, December 5, 2008

Infant Viral Infection Remidies

chi sono...

Ciao a tutti i visitatori del mio blog :)
Mi presento subito: mi chiamo Francesca , alias diecibacetti . Diecibacetti is my nickname which has always been closely linked me back to a person because there is not more , my mom. I was born in
Mendrisio, Canton Ticino, Switzerland September 17, 1971.
Kindergarten, elementary schools and middle schools I have attended in Chiasso, then I did the school for apprentices selling Morbio Lower achieving another year after graduation to clerk for sale.

Finished 's apprenticeship I immediately started working in the bank, that since 1990, but as often happens at all after ten years bank I decided to change some lives. I wanted something that would give me satisfaction personal. In fact I made the school the Grinberg method in Lausanne, after ten years of work in the bank.
Sure my job in a bank I always had, is what makes me pay the bills at the end of the month :-) and more ...
but I wanted 'to learn new things, new people, new experiences, so I started the school of method Grinberg in Lausanne!

I attended two years of school, earning his first degree, the second level did not I did it because I had an aversion to the teacher during that time.

I could not understand why a person as hard as she could teach such a thing that opened to much warmth, so that between us we created a wall around the 'school year and I spend too much time to make port at the end of the year to give' consideration.

I used to work in the study method of Griberg Morbio Less with other operators, then they moved to another center in Chiasso, bigger, and I am putting "self" by working at home.


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